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Button = enum
  ButtonUnknown, MouseLeft, MouseRight, MouseMiddle, MouseButton4, MouseButton5,
  DoubleClick, TripleClick, QuadrupleClick, Key0, Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4, Key5,
  Key6, Key7, Key8, Key9, KeyA, KeyB, KeyC, KeyD, KeyE, KeyF, KeyG, KeyH, KeyI,
  KeyJ, KeyK, KeyL, KeyM, KeyN, KeyO, KeyP, KeyQ, KeyR, KeyS, KeyT, KeyU, KeyV,
  KeyW, KeyX, KeyY, KeyZ, KeyBacktick, KeyMinus, KeyEqual, KeyBackspace, KeyTab,
  KeyLeftBracket, KeyRightBracket, KeyBackslash, KeyCapsLock, KeySemicolon,
  KeyApostrophe, KeyEnter, KeyLeftShift, KeyComma, KeyPeriod, KeySlash,
  KeyRightShift, KeyLeftControl, KeyLeftSuper, KeyLeftAlt, KeySpace,
  KeyRightAlt, KeyRightSuper, KeyMenu, KeyRightControl, KeyDelete, KeyHome,
  KeyEnd, KeyInsert, KeyPageUp, KeyPageDown, KeyEscape, KeyUp, KeyDown, KeyLeft,
  KeyRight, KeyPrintScreen, KeyScrollLock, KeyPause, KeyF1, KeyF2, KeyF3, KeyF4,
  KeyF5, KeyF6, KeyF7, KeyF8, KeyF9, KeyF10, KeyF11, KeyF12, KeyNumLock,
  Numpad0, Numpad1, Numpad2, Numpad3, Numpad4, Numpad5, Numpad6, Numpad7,
  Numpad8, Numpad9, NumpadDecimal, NumpadEnter, NumpadAdd, NumpadSubtract,
  NumpadMultiply, NumpadDivide, NumpadEqual
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ButtonCallback = proc (button: Button)
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ButtonView = distinct set[Button]
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Callback = proc ()
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ClipboardContentKind = enum
  TextContent, ImageContent
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Cursor = object
  case kind*: CursorKind
  of DefaultCursor:

  of CustomCursor:
      image*: Image
      hotspot*: IVec2

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CursorKind = enum
  DefaultCursor, CustomCursor
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HttpErrorCallback = proc (msg: string)
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HttpHeader = object
  key*, value*: string
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HttpProgressCallback = proc (completed, total: int)
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HttpRequestHandle = distinct int
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HttpResponse = ref object
  code*: int
  headers*: seq[HttpHeader]
  body*: string
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HttpResponseCallback = proc (response: HttpResponse)
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MSAA = enum
  msaaDisabled = 0, msaa2x = 2, msaa4x = 4, msaa8x = 8
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OpenGLVersion = enum
  OpenGL3Dot0, OpenGL3Dot1, OpenGL3Dot2, OpenGL3Dot3, OpenGL4Dot0, OpenGL4Dot1,
  OpenGL4Dot2, OpenGL4Dot3, OpenGL4Dot4, OpenGL4Dot5, OpenGL4Dot6
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RuneCallback = proc (rune: Rune)
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Screen = object
  left*, right*, top*, bottom*: int
  primary*: bool
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WebSocketHandle = distinct int
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WebSocketMessageCallback = proc (msg: string; kind: WebSocketMessageKind)
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WebSocketMessageKind = enum
  Utf8Message, BinaryMessage
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WindowStyle = enum
  DecoratedResizable, Decorated, Undecorated, Transparent
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WindyError = object of ValueError
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defaultHttpDeadline: float32 = -1.0
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proc `==`(a, b: HttpRequestHandle): bool {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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proc `==`(a, b: WebSocketHandle): bool {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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proc `[]`(buttonView: ButtonView; button: Button): bool {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
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proc `[]`(headers: seq[HttpHeader]; key: string): string {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
Get a key out of headers. Not case sensitive. Use a for loop to get duplicate keys. Source   Edit  
proc `[]=`(headers: var seq[HttpHeader]; key, value: string) {....raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Sets a key in the headers. Not case sensitive. Overwrites the existing header for key if it exists else adds a new header. Source   Edit  
proc len(buttonView: ButtonView): int {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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proc size(screen: Screen): IVec2 {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Returns the size of the screen. Source   Edit